Quick Start: KISS Business Plan

Get Started Strong with the KISS Business Plan.

Get Started KISS plan

Here is what you will get:

  • Access to the KISS business plan course
    • Write a 1-2 page KISS plan in only 1-2 hours
      • That includes listening to ten brief lessons with Dr. Stephie and jotting down your plan
      • KISS means Keep It Smart And Simple (often, these two words don't occur in the same sentence, but that is exactly what we will guide you to do)
      • This plan is instrumental for planning the growth of your company and getting started with effective knowledge-sharing
      • The plan is for running and growing your business and consists of five quick parts:
        1. Your Vision,
        2. Your Mission (purpose stated in 8-12 words),
        3. Your Goals,
        4. Your Strategies and
        5. Your 90-Day Action Plan.
      • The 90-day action plan alone will raise your level of success. The key is not "perfection" but action - one little step at a time.
  • A review of your KISS plan by Dr. Stephie, followed by a 60-minute private session with her to review and refine your plan.

Quick Start: KISS Business Plan

1 year of access