Grow and Scale Your Business with Brilliance Mining™

Course Information

Difficulty: Easy

Discover how effective knowledge transfer changes everything! With Brilliance Mining, you can transfer two types of knowledge you carry in your brain:
The Knowledge you know you have (conscious knowledge), and
Unconscious knowledge (also called “unconscious competence”) is the knowledge you use automatically without even realizing it.
Your unconscious competence is normally very hard (next to impossible) to pass on to others (unless perhaps you have someone who closely watches how you work for decades),
Brilliance Mining changes that – you can transfer even deep knowledge within weeks.

Benefits of Brilliance Mining™:

  • Grow and scale your business or non-profit fast
  • Don’t sacrifice your work-life balance (in fact, improve it!)
  • No longer worry about losing critical knowledge when someone leaves your organization (that someone could even be you)
  • Create more options for what your business/organziation can evolve into; for example, making it possible to pass it on, sell it, franchise, and leave a legacy.

Grow and Scale your Business/Non-profit with Brilliance Mining

1 year of access

Discover how to capture knowledge from someone’s brain and convert it into training material. Grow and scale your business or non-profit. Meet Brilliance Mining™.
Course duration: 60-100 minutes.


Get An Initial Brilliance Map

Start Extracting Your Brilliance

Put Your Brilliance In Motion (Brilliance Replication)

Next Steps

Grow and Scale your Business/Non-profit with Brilliance Mining

1 year of access

Discover how to capture knowledge from someone’s brain and convert it into training material. Grow and scale your business or non-profit. Meet Brilliance Mining™.
Course duration: 60-100 minutes.